Walking into the sunlit accessory dwelling unit just steps from his family’s home in Culver City, Adrian Perez places his hands on the wall of his bedroom and smiles broadly.
“Adrian likes to touch everything,” explains his mother, Andrea Villicana. “When the ADU was completed, he knocked on all the walls and tested the acoustics. He likes to help. He’s a big helper.”
Villicana has long worried about long-term care for the 33-year-old Perez, who is developmentally disabled and nonverbal due to
(read more: https://www.latimes.com/lifestyle/story/2022-08-08/los-angeles-adus-for-people-with-disabilities)
They worried about long-term housing for their disabled son — until they built an ADU
Mills proposes revamp to intellectual and developmental disability services in new budget
After years of talking about it, Maine’s health department is proposing to spend millions to clear a backlog for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities who need state services and to change the way those services are delivered.

News & Information

PA Adults With Autism Deserve More
With the gubernatorial election finished and the transition under way, Jody Weaver’s attention is anxiously fixed on Harrisburg. Next month, she is due to meet with representatives from the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) to discuss the fate of her severely autistic twins.
(read more: https://thephiladelphiacitizen.org/guest-commentary-adults-autism-housing/)